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Codino Divino | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hong Kong - The City of Nights (Lights) > Suicidal *
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Suicidal *

Am I going to die?

Canon EOS 10D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/4s f/6.7 at 17.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
noelle 28-Feb-2008 16:14
wow the buses seems to be moving at a real fast speed and you managed to take a picture like this cool! it must be real hard finding a good spot to take this picture anyway good job!!
Guest 01-Jun-2007 00:14
um..all i wntd was a picture of some girl cutting herslef...then this shitcomes why cnt they jst giv me wat i ask 4 triish loves twiistiies
Guest 17-Mar-2007 00:55
Interesting shot. You must be stqnding on an island.
cranky 05-Feb-2005 21:43
as soon as i saw the thumbnail of this, i was like, what the h*ll is this guy doing...the gap is barely 2'...what a freak...
then i figured the approaching tram is gonna move around a little, thank God...
very inspiring photo...lotsa tension...
u made me wanna go back to HK to do some more photography! last time i stayed for only 6 days >_<
May 17-Mar-2004 03:41
Be carefully

But this photo is very good ...
Guest 04-Mar-2004 04:43
I saw the title long before the image appeared (still dialing in), and I thought what could he possibly mean by Suicide...then I saw the image!! STOP THAT!! You have to be around to show us more beautiful shots of you city.
Daniel Lam 19-Jan-2004 20:12
I wonder where you were standing for this shoot~!?....
Your PICS are amazing, and we're much proud of you in HK!~
Great city becomes finer 'coz of you.

May God blesses the City.

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