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On June 7, 2022, the day before we began the Road Scholar trip, we took the tube from Heathrow to Euston Station in London where we had booked reserved seats for the train to Liverpool. We had a wonderful conversation with 2 Liverpudlians during the entire trip. We stayed at The Liverpool One Hotel and began recovering from the exhausting overnight flight.

The next morning we went to The Beatles Story -- -- which is located on the Albert Dock on the Mersey. Mary and I found in it an excellent way to reminisce about that fascinating time in our teenage years when the Beatles took the world by storm (1963-65). Of course the Beatles went on to make one great album after another all through the 1960s and John, Paul, George and Ringo continued to offer wonderful music individually.

After lunch at Lime Street Station we took a train to Manchester Airport. I think it stopped at 28 stations. We found our way to the hotel where we met our Road Scholar Tour Leader, Caroline, and our 14 travel companions, all from the US.

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