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Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos | profile | all galleries >> My Camera Collection >> Classical Pentax (42 screw mount), Minolta and Other Reflex Cameras tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Classical Pentax (42 screw mount), Minolta and Other Reflex Cameras

Esta sequência é sobre as outras duas grandes marcas japonesas: Pentax e Minolta (além de Nikon, Canon e Olympus). Apresentamos aqui as clássicas Pentax com lentes a rosca de 42mm, introduzidas pela marca alemã Contax S (1949), bastante utilizada também pela Praktica e outras marcas entre os anos 1950-1980. Pentax passou à baioneta K no final dos anos 1970s. Pentax foi a primeira companhia a produzir câmeras reflex no Japão e a primeira (Asahiflex IIB, 1954) com retorno automático do espelho. Suas legendárias lentes Takumar eram de grande qualidade óptica e mecânica. Tenho grande apreço pela marca pois minha primeira câmera reflex foi uma Pentax SP II, comprada com sacrifício na época (1974; equipamentos fotográficos eram raros e muito caros no Brasil). Mais tarde, encontrei um exemplar idêntico e não hesitei em adquiri-lo. Minolta foi também uma grande companhia que produziu câmeras muito boas e bem mais abordáveis, se comparado às Nikon, por exemplo. Nos anos 1960s, produziu a SR-T 101, uma das primeiras com medição de exposição à diafragma aberto. Uma longa série de SR-Ts foi produzida entre 1966 e 1979, com diferentes nomes (101, 102, 201, 202, 303, etc..) mas todas com a mesma forma e mecânica. Eram muito robustas e possuíam lentes de qualidade. Cabe evidenciar que Minolta produziu a primeira câmera com duplo automatismo (XD-11 or XD-7, em 1977) e foi a primeira marca a produzir uma câmera autofocus, a 7000 (1985), imenso sucesso que revolucionou o mercado. Infelizmente, o setor fotográfico da Minolta foi interrompido, embora sua baioneta AF tenha sido (e ainda é) utilizado pelas DSLRs Sony. Pessoalmente, meu uso de Pentax e Minolta foi bastante restrito. Nesta apresentação, há algumas outras câmeras reflex que são comentadas com as fotografias correspondentes.
We are now talking about the other two important Japanese camera companies, Pentax and Minolta (with Nikon, Canon and Olympus). Here we consider the classical 42 screw mount Pentax (they adopted the K bayonet in the late 1970s) and the manual focus Minolta. The 42mm screw mount was firstly introduced by the Contax S (1949) and it was largely used (mainly between the 1950s and 1980s) by different brands, including the Praktica cameras, from the RDA Germany. Pentax was the first Japanese company to produce a reflex in Japan. Also, the first automatic mirror return on SLRs was invented by Pentax (Asahiflex IIB, in 1954). The legendary screw mount Pentax Takumar lenses had excellent optical and mechanical performance. I have a particular affection on Pentax, since my first camera was a Pentax SP II, bought with financial difficulty in 1974 (in that time, I was student and photo gear was relatively rare and expensive in Brazil). Later, I found a SP II in good condition and I bought it without hesitation. Minolta was also an important photo brand. In 1966, they introduced the successful series of SR-T cameras (having wide open exposure metering), starting with the SR-T 101; these cameras (and variations as 102, 201, 202, 303, etc…) were manufactured until 1979, keeping the same shape and mechanics. Minolta also introduced the first double-automatism camera (Av and TV modes), the Minolta XD-11 (also called XD-7) in 1977 and the first autofocus SLR, the Minolta 7000 (1985), an immense success which changed the market. Sadly, Minolta stopped the photo activities, although its autofocus bayonet was (and still is) used by digital Sony DSLRs. Personally, my use of Pentax and Minolta was quite limited. In this gallery, there are other SLR cameras and they are commented with the pictures.
The Pentax H3 and its optional meter (1960).
The Pentax H3 and its optional meter (1960).
The same Pentax H3 without the meter (1960).
The same Pentax H3 without the meter (1960).
The Pentax Spotmatic F (1973); the most advanced Pentax (42 screw mount) with wide open diaphragm operation.
The Pentax Spotmatic F (1973); the most advanced Pentax (42 screw mount) with wide open diaphragm operation.
The Pentax SP II (1971); metering required to stop down the lens.
The Pentax SP II (1971); metering required to stop down the lens.
The Minolta SR-T 303 (1975); same family of the most known SR-T 101, but having the diaphragm in the viewfinder.
The Minolta SR-T 303 (1975); same family of the most known SR-T 101, but having the diaphragm in the viewfinder.
The amazing Minolta 7000 (1985); the very first autofocus camera;  huge selling success.
The amazing Minolta 7000 (1985); the very first autofocus camera; huge selling success.
The Konica Autorex (1966); one of the first automatic cameras (speed priority).
The Konica Autorex (1966); one of the first automatic cameras (speed priority).
The Autorex could take half-frame (18 x 24 mm) pictures or regular full frame photos; notice the command lever on the top.
The Autorex could take half-frame (18 x 24 mm) pictures or regular full frame photos; notice the command lever on the top.
The Zenith B camera (1977); very inexpensive Russian camera with 42mm screw mount; many Zenith variations were manufactured.
The Zenith B camera (1977); very inexpensive Russian camera with 42mm screw mount; many Zenith variations were manufactured.
The Rolleiflex SL 35 (1970); Rollei was struggling with the concurrence; this camera was made in Singapure.
The Rolleiflex SL 35 (1970); Rollei was struggling with the concurrence; this camera was made in Singapure.
The Exakta Varex (1936); a historical camera; one of the first reflex camera; made in Dresden.
The Exakta Varex (1936); a historical camera; one of the first reflex camera; made in Dresden.
The Exakta without its prism.
The Exakta without its prism.
The Icarex 35s, made in RFA Germany (1960), produced by Zeiss Ikon. It could not compete with Japanese production.
The Icarex 35s, made in RFA Germany (1960), produced by Zeiss Ikon. It could not compete with Japanese production.
Three German cameras using similar technology: reflex with central shutter; well sold in the late 1950s and 1960s.
Three German cameras using similar technology: reflex with central shutter; well sold in the late 1950s and 1960s.
The Contaflex Super (1956, see also the Contax collection); an excellent camera produced by Zeiss Ikon RFA Germany.
The Contaflex Super (1956, see also the Contax collection); an excellent camera produced by Zeiss Ikon RFA Germany.
The Kodak Retina Reflex IV (1964); another excellent camera proposed with Schneider lenses.
The Kodak Retina Reflex IV (1964); another excellent camera proposed with Schneider lenses.
Retina lenses: the 28, 35 and the 135mm Schneider lenses.
Retina lenses: the 28, 35 and the 135mm Schneider lenses.
The Voigtlander Bessamatic (1959); very well made camera too.
The Voigtlander Bessamatic (1959); very well made camera too.
Lenses for the Bessamatic : the 35, 50 and 135mm Voigtlander lenses.
Lenses for the Bessamatic : the 35, 50 and 135mm Voigtlander lenses.