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Pepe Zyman | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> PICTURE A DAY FOR ONE YEAR 2004 - 2005 >> January 2005 > 18-Jan-2005
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“The Eye”

Except for sharpening, level adjustments, resizing and framing;
NO PHOTOSHOP was used to modify this image.

I’m wondering if Herb is hiding inside the branch to scare me so I don’t go back to the San Elijo Lagoon :^)

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Günter Hofstädter12-Oct-2005 23:27
phantastic light balance, great colors and detail !
Pedro Libório23-Jan-2005 23:21
quite impressive details!!!
lovely done.
Guest 20-Jan-2005 18:31
Sharpness, colors and lighting are wonderful!
Guest 19-Jan-2005 22:32
very very beautiful
Guest 19-Jan-2005 17:00
very pretty. makes me think of spring.
gary becker19-Jan-2005 14:09
Beautiful capture, Pepe.
Guest 19-Jan-2005 09:47
LOL! Peek-a-boo!
Wenche Aune19-Jan-2005 09:06
Guest 19-Jan-2005 07:29
Found it!
petesie19-Jan-2005 05:03
That is so funny....great eye for the eye....several "eyes" on Pbase tonight! LOL
Guest 19-Jan-2005 04:33
Great close up!!!
Karen Leaf19-Jan-2005 02:03
Herb didn't protest enough, he's baaaaaaaaaack....

Great eye, indeed.
Elaine (etfitz)19-Jan-2005 01:55
Wonderful colors! Creepy!
Susanne19-Jan-2005 01:20
I love the fitting frame and I like the green in this image and how you enhanced by that tiny distraction of buds? not sure what they are called. Very nice.
Gail Davison18-Jan-2005 22:10
I really like the colours here. Well shot.
Robin Reid18-Jan-2005 22:00
Great capture Pepe. From all the comments, I would say the eyes have it.
Cliff18-Jan-2005 20:58
Someone is keeping an eye out for you Pepe ! :o)
Ian Clowes18-Jan-2005 20:52
mmmm seems we're getting a few creepy images around the PAD world. This is very subtle and ver effective.... well spotted.
Guest 18-Jan-2005 20:46
Scarey ... but very beautiful!
laine8218-Jan-2005 20:24
Excellent shot, Pepe. Great eye!!
Gabriele Hasslacher18-Jan-2005 20:21
I felt watched immediately.....
Beautiful image.
Herb 18-Jan-2005 18:49
MOI ? never
great close up.
Gayle P. Clement18-Jan-2005 18:36
LOL! That is so creepy.