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Andrei Zlate | profile | all galleries >> South America, Summer 2006 >> Lake Titicaca, Bolivia/ Peru tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lake Titicaca, Bolivia/ Peru

g5/54/661854/3/68379645.yAHjI8Ck.jpg g5/54/661854/3/68379647.L8zsZEtU.jpg g5/54/661854/3/68379648.ex7re3iO.jpg g5/54/661854/3/68379644.jpnCM8GD.jpg Grannie missed the boat...
Grannie missed the boat...
g5/54/661854/3/68379646.7KgO2Q1j.jpg Baptizing of the car, Copacabana (1)
Baptizing of the car, Copacabana (1)
Baptize of the car, Copacabana (2)
Baptize of the car, Copacabana (2)
Horca del Inca, Copacabana
Horca del Inca, Copacabana
g5/54/661854/3/68379654.YGfEGTYB.jpg g5/54/661854/3/68379655.USLHw7rW.jpg Boat to Isla del Sol
Boat to Isla del Sol
g5/54/661854/3/68379657.hGnH28il.jpg Isla del Sol
Isla del Sol
g5/54/661854/3/68379659.fJXoT7Pi.jpg g5/54/661854/3/68379660.IEdUZ9O3.jpg g5/54/661854/3/68379661.uqjEQo1i.jpg g5/54/661854/3/68379662.VDU4eD3z.jpg g5/54/661854/3/68379663.hDZy6pdh.jpg
g5/54/661854/3/68379664.WzN1jFFm.jpg The last boat to Copacabana
The last boat to Copacabana
Puno, Peru
Puno, Peru
We took the bus further,
We took the bus further,
When in Peru, try Inca Kola!
When in Peru, try Inca Kola!