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Kenneth Zimmerman | all galleries >> Eighteen Years of PaD >> august_05 > 08-24-05
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After attending a very emotional funeral for a good friend, Klee Grumbine it was
good to get out on the lake and enjoy the weekly sailboat race.
Click here for photos from Summer #6.

Canon EOS D30
1/750s f/13.0 at 150.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 25-Aug-2005 19:54
Oh I love the sails here!
Guest 25-Aug-2005 16:21
Beautiful shot, Kenneth!
Robin Reid25-Aug-2005 15:33
Another really fine sailing shot.
Herb 25-Aug-2005 13:19
Great shot
Focus25-Aug-2005 13:19
Nice shot!! Well done!!..........thanks for sharing.