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Kenneth Zimmerman | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorite Images > 4-18-04
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An interesting story goes along with today’s posting.
We received an invitation to a neighbors Confirmation into the Trinity Lutheran Church.
We assumed that the party would be after the Confirmation ceremony so we decided to visit their Church to lend support to our neighbor, Ty.
It turns out that the Confirmation was 2 weeks ago!
We did enjoy the service and liked their Pastor Bob's sermon.

The Integrity., a barge that visits our cement terminal, was in this weekend and I wanted to use it for PaD but didn't get any great shots. Check out A, or B.

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1/1000s f/3.1 at 31.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 20-Apr-2004 06:04
Co0L !!
Costi Jacky 19-Apr-2004 18:30
Nice exposure.
Vinay19-Apr-2004 14:35
Nice shot
christianl19-Apr-2004 12:52
Beautiful composition !