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James Mason | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The war in Central Bosnia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The war in Central Bosnia

In the spring of 1992 the Serbs attacked Bosnia. While the world focused on Sarajevo, the real fighting was going on in villages and towns which to this day have not recovered. Most of the time it wasn't even fighting, but murder by an army. Before too long the Croats in Bosnia and those loyal to the government in Sarajevo, mostly Muslims, were fighting. It was the Balkanization of Yugoslavia.
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In the line of fire
In the line of fire
The fight at the sand pit
The fight at the sand pit
At the sandpit
At the sandpit
Are you going to stay and fight?
Are you going to stay and fight?
Lull in the fighting
Lull in the fighting
The power of tobacco
The power of tobacco
The Croat graveyard
The Croat graveyard
Waiting to go up
Waiting to go up
During the attack
During the attack
Is this it?
Is this it?
In the cellar
In the cellar
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