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Nikon Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 5000 ED

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Guest 17-Nov-2010 14:53
Just checked my diary. Brig Searby visited on 7 May '93. Also that the last of 1 Cheshire BG left Stari Bila on 13 May '93.
Roy Hunter 16-Nov-2010 23:02
On further consideration, late April 93. The ground is still wet, sleeves rolled down, trees in the background not woken up yet. The quick flowers have largely gone to seed. This in a country with two harvests, in spring and autumn, and a hot, dry summer (vague memories that the Bosnians refer to first spring and second spring?). May even have been the day Bob Stewart handed over to ADA in late April and James, as new PInfo, is getting his guidance from Brig Searby, hence the body language.
PS I've since seen your photo of ADA in a cbt jkt with hood, so that's irrelevant. I suspect all pics taken on the same day, 26 Apr 93 or thereabouts, haven't dug out my diary yet.
Roy Hunter 16-Nov-2010 16:32
I've known ADA Duncan since 1979. He's taller, probably didn't wear a jacket with a hood and the beret is too faded for that time in the tour, James's beret is still new. ADA wouldn't normally walk in the studious leaning over posture.
See previous picture of Searby, dated the same day perhaps?
James Mason16-Nov-2010 14:15
Definitely Myles on the left. I'm fairly certain it's Col. Duncan on the right, although it could be Col. Searby.
Guest 16-Nov-2010 14:11
I'll say James Myles and Robin Searby.
MARK KENNY 14-Oct-2006 09:47