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James Mason | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Brits in Vitez > Champagne
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1993 James Mason


Vitez, Bosnia

The British Army is pretty impressive sometimes. I've forgotten what the celebration was for, perhaps a visit by General Morillon, then the commander of the UN forces. The Brits have great food. All those jokes about hell being a place where the cooks are English are told by people who never ate with the British Army. Breakfast was the best of all. If only we could get them to serve coffee...

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Roy Hunter 16-Nov-2010 14:05
We were celebrating Imphal Day, June 22nd. From the Second World War in the Far East.
Roy Hunter
James Mason27-Mar-2009 22:54
Tessa, I could spell pretty good when my brain did the spelling. But then I learned to type and now my fingers do the spelling. So that's my excuse. - James
Guest 27-Mar-2009 20:55
This is a truly wonderful site; I literally tripped upon it trying to locate a particular village I had stupidly driven through in Croatia which had been blasted from the earth during the war and looked unchanged 10 years on. I haven't been successful.

Oh, and 'champaign' is charming but it's champagne that you drink. Heh....

Tessa Campbell