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James Mason | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Brits in Vitez > British Scimitar light tank
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1993 James Mason

British Scimitar light tank

Sarici, Bosnia

I hope this is the right name for the tank. If I didn't get it right, please leave a note! These soldiers are from 9th/12th Lancer, a medium recconaisance unit based in the school in Vitez at the time, quartered in Vitez, central Bosnia, in 1993. There was some sort of situation in Tuzla with refugees and everybody, journalists included, had made the trip up a fairly dangerous road from Vitez. This town, Sarici, was on the border with the Serbian controlled area. (Thanks to Eddie for the correction on the unit this Scimitar belongs to)

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Steve Kovacs 02-Sep-2009 05:52
As an ex 9th/12th Lancer of 23 years service I would say that it is a Scimitar tracked armoured reconnaissance vehicle and the unit should have been referred to as being from the 9th /12th Royal Lancers.