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James Mason | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Dolphin Club tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Dolphin Club

San Francisco's Dolphin Club is a place for those who love to swim in open water, who love to row, and who love to hang out in the warm California sun and listen to old geezers tell lies.
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Annette gets ready for a swim
Annette gets ready for a swim
No substitute for an airplane
No substitute for an airplane
The Cove
The Cove
In the boat house
In the boat house
Hanging with the old guys
Hanging with the old guys
Does the water look inviting?
Does the water look inviting?
Walkin up the beach
Walkin up the beach
This is not Herman's regular boat
This is not Herman's regular boat
After a day on the options trading floor
After a day on the options trading floor
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