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John Vass | all galleries >> Galleries >> Road Fever-The Relapse > The Wildlife Paparazzi
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The Wildlife Paparazzi

I did it!
I usually don't!
Sooner or later we all do it!
Got out at the traffic jam
near the intersection of
Gros Ventre Road and U.S. 89
A bull moose and two lady moose
were taking a nap in the sage brush.
Everyone was nice and the conversation
with people from all over was interesting.
I picked up a lot of info on what and where.
So we all stood watching the moose with
cameras waiting and whenever the moose moved
the shutters clicked almost in unison.
You would have thought we were watching Lindsay Lohan
arrive to do her public service time.
And I was proudly standing out there with my kind!
Clicking away at the moose.
It turns it's head one way!
Click! Click! Click!
It turns it's head the other way!
Click! Click! Click!
It does nothing!
Click! Click! Click!
Had to do it one time.
The people around me were nice
and I had fun!
No hunters were lurking and
the animals were unafraid.
I would do it again!
Oh no!
Am I a Wildlife Paparazzo?

GTNP in Wyoming

Olympus E-3
1/320s f/5.0 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Lee G16-Nov-2011 06:24
Moose stalker!
Click click click
Tom Briggs15-Nov-2011 16:15
Great story, John ... and a great photo to go along with it
Paula Krugerud15-Nov-2011 14:40
Oh nooooooo.... you didn't!!!!
But then again, this is such a cool shot...leaves you wanting more!!
Guest 15-Nov-2011 02:12
Great set of antlers. Fun story and yes you have become one of us.
Guest 15-Nov-2011 02:11
Great capture and story! V.