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Chris | all galleries >> people & places >> People >> San Francisco > 20061104 / pedestrian
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20061104 / pedestrian

3rd Street / San Francisco, CA

other sizes: small medium original auto
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laine8205-Nov-2006 15:02
One looks you straight in the eye, the other not so confident !! great b/w work.
Craig Persel05-Nov-2006 12:25
Excellent street portraiture.
Chris Sofopoulos05-Nov-2006 09:29
Urban faces! Nice candid Chris.
Guest 05-Nov-2006 05:18
I agree with Papajim. You've been made. :) Great shot! V
Guest 05-Nov-2006 03:07
You certainly didn't get away clean on this one. You are a brave one. By the way: Stop in and say hi.
shatterbug05-Nov-2006 02:48
Yeah, these three look like their cars got towed. Great when you do b/w candids :-) V.
Guest 05-Nov-2006 02:16
three very unhappy people! Great candids.. vote