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Chris | all galleries >> people & places >> People >> San Francisco > 20060714 / Urban Layers Two
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20060714 / Urban Layers Two

Palo Alto, CA

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shatterbug17-Jul-2006 06:44
Superb candid! Emotions overflowing here..excellent toning, as usual! Vote.
Guest 16-Jul-2006 03:32
Great catch, Chris. Their expressions speak volumes... And your composition is perfect. V
Guest 16-Jul-2006 02:58
Speaking volumes without words.
Jackdad15-Jul-2006 23:26
I like the reflections in the specs. hope the argument was not too serious! ;-)
Chris Sofopoulos15-Jul-2006 18:34
The 60's style. Beautiful candid Chris!
Guest 15-Jul-2006 15:05
It looks like they had a serious conversation a few minutes before you captured them, Chris :) Great candid. V.
Guest 15-Jul-2006 14:08
Every time I see glasses like that I think of Superfly, or Jackie O. Very well done desat and perfect comp. V
Roe..15-Jul-2006 14:06
excellent placement in the frame..b&w was the way to go..all the focus is on them..great candid..v
Mindy McNaugher15-Jul-2006 13:27
Such intensity in their expressions and body language! Superb black and white candid! Vote!
Guest 15-Jul-2006 13:09
They look intent and intense. Excellent.
laine8215-Jul-2006 07:50
Like banana skins, just keep peeling them back :>)