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Chris | all galleries >> photojournal >> 2006 ALL >> April 2006 > 20060421 / Letter Sweater
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20060421 / Letter Sweater

San Francisco, CA

Nikon D70
1/125s f/5.6 at 40.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dawn25-Apr-2006 06:08
Love the guy in the back.. just GRINNING.
Guest 24-Apr-2006 02:39
Great candid... what an expression! V
Guest 23-Apr-2006 09:52
The contrasting expression are indeed excellent and image is perfect in b&w.
Guest 22-Apr-2006 17:17
The differing moods caught my eye, too.
...duncan22-Apr-2006 13:25
Yes, brilliant shot. V
shatterbug22-Apr-2006 06:50
Love the contrasting expressions...great capture of mood here! Wonderful b/w conversion. V.