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Chris | all galleries >> people & places >> People >> San Francisco > 20060220 / Street Smile
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20060220 / Street Smile

Chinatown / San Francisco, CA

Out on the street passing out literature and rallying against the Communist Party,
she had time to offer a shy smile. The fellow below, despite the strong statements
on his placard, bellowed to everyone that passed by 'Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!
To you and your Grandma, too!' Right on, dude.


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Guest 02-Nov-2006 19:35
beautiful in its simplicity.. stunning!
Guest 25-Apr-2006 02:29
This is a great photo. compositionally and artistically very well done. vote.
Chris Sofopoulos22-Mar-2006 09:26
I adore this kind of crop and placement of the portrait on the right side.
Johan Toll21-Mar-2006 08:51
Very nice street portrait, excellent tones and light! V
shatterbug20-Mar-2006 05:23
Excellent! Such great character in her face! Love your framing too! V.
coaster25-Feb-2006 03:25
Great comp. and clarity. Well done.
Guest 24-Feb-2006 16:50
I saw the color version too but I'm partial to this B+W.
Fantastic portrait,Chris. V
jude23-Feb-2006 06:12
Missed this one.. one of the best portraits you've done.. Perfect comp, lighting, tones, focus, clarity..
but you and I know it's more than that - the thing that makes a photo grab one.
It is her shy smile.. he honest look into your lens.. the life it speaks of..
Karen Leaf22-Feb-2006 04:52
Yeah the shy smile and crooked cap make this excellent Chris. What a joy to photograph.
Guest 22-Feb-2006 03:16
I love this black and white version too (I saw the colour one first).
You processed it with subtlety.
It's really a stunning portrait.
This is an exceptional image for me. V
Jackdad21-Feb-2006 23:19
freedom of speech is so cool. :-)
David Clunas21-Feb-2006 22:36
Amazing detail here Chris, like the comp also
laine8221-Feb-2006 20:16
A feel good and fantastically arranged image, Chris.
Dominic Kite21-Feb-2006 13:06
Outstanding use of the frame here Chris, a really nicely balanced photo, well done. V
Guest 21-Feb-2006 12:50
glad to read caption.. (I couldn't read his placard)
nice shy smile pic.
Guest 21-Feb-2006 06:17
lovely smile, and I like your composition
Guest 21-Feb-2006 06:04
Beautiful work.