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Chris | all galleries >> people & places >> People >> Santa Cruz > Santa Cruz, CA / Teresa
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Santa Cruz, CA / Teresa

Staircase Tattoo

T is good people

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Roe..27-Oct-2005 10:10
her smooth skin..the swirl background..her facial expression make this an amazing portrait!...v
Guest 15-Oct-2005 18:55
One of your top shots Chris! The swirly backdrop,delicate expression and nicely worked tones make a true winner V!
Guest 22-Sep-2005 03:31
This is a really strong image, Chris.
This woman has an exceptional face. Pure, expressive. You caught it perfectly, with this white, that seems to have been lit from inside her head.
Great image. V
jude22-Sep-2005 00:42
Love the swirled background and comp of her face.. but best of all.. her enigmatic smile - without meeting our eyes - is a mystery.. and I like that
David Clunas21-Sep-2005 20:40
Dawn21-Sep-2005 06:33
cool crop & expression.. what is that in the background.....