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San Francisco, CA / Jaywalker

San Francisco, CA

Just some dude stepping into the street away from the crosswalk.
Smile. I'm stuck in traffic.

Nikon D70
1/800s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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laine8223-Jul-2006 06:42
Hey Turkey, what colour green do you want !!! LOL!!
Guest 08-Jul-2006 21:30
I think we have all had that happen once in our life, walking out into the street. He does have the look of a deer about to be run over.
Ana Carloto O'Shea07-Jan-2006 12:32
Eheheh, he sure has that "look you suckers, I can walk faster than you can drive" kind of smile... But now I wonder... Where you driving and shooting at the same time??