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zeev segal | all galleries >> Galleries >> women > viqy1ab.jpg
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FEB-2008 zeev segal


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Robyco05-Mar-2008 11:37
Great shot and a great mood !! (V)
Zaid Kurdi04-Mar-2008 15:28
Fantastic portrait Zeev,Lovely composition,colors and light........V.
Fong Lam04-Mar-2008 13:58
Impressive portrait of a lovely lady in strong colors, Zeev
Carol Rollins04-Mar-2008 13:02
Wow, Zeev, this is a wonderful portrait. Vibrant and colorful with lovely light. V
XiaoBernard9904-Mar-2008 08:27
Very special portait in the treatment of the colors.POV very nice.
Paco López04-Mar-2008 06:41
Very good!!!!!!!!!!!! BV!
Cindi Smith04-Mar-2008 01:03
Another perfect shot! You nailed this one, Zeev! GMV one more time!
Guenter Eh03-Mar-2008 19:53
WOW - what a classy lady, what a terrific comp Zeev! Love your bold treatment - expressiv!
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