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Zak | all galleries >> Bute Shelters > 14th March
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14th March

The new Shelter is erected.
its not as nice as The Old One it replaced
but the old lady that was also there watching said she couldn't wait to try it out heheh

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE Z2
1/100s f/5.6 at 14.8mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Dominic Kite18-Mar-2005 08:47
You're right fella - the old one was much nicer!
Guest 15-Mar-2005 21:18
Cool shot. I like the way the guy is looking up.
Guest 15-Mar-2005 19:42
Like you, I like the old one. It had more character. Then again, this is new so it needs a chance. :-)
Guest 15-Mar-2005 13:11
Pooch says it needs to be scent-marked!
Guest 15-Mar-2005 00:24
Bets on the first bit of grafitti?
Guest 15-Mar-2005 00:22
Bets on the first bit of grafitti?
Guest 14-Mar-2005 23:59
Maybe if Chelsea win the CL, you'll post an SP?? ;-)
Zak14-Mar-2005 22:40
Dont hold your breath!
I TAKE the pics not appear in them! ;-)
Ian Clowes14-Mar-2005 22:34
Nice - look forward to seeing the SP of you with the old lady....
Guest 14-Mar-2005 22:23
I like the old one better too (shelter, not the old lady hehe)!!
Gail Davison14-Mar-2005 22:22
It'll be worse still when it's full of 'yoofs'!
Bill Miller14-Mar-2005 20:24
Lizzy 14-Mar-2005 18:51
Those old shelters had a lot of memories in them!!!!!!!!
Gary Winters14-Mar-2005 18:39
I dunno, I kinda like the new one better...
David Clunas14-Mar-2005 18:20
this might explain how your benches were moved.
northstar3714-Mar-2005 16:26
flask of tea at the ready
laine8214-Mar-2005 16:12
A bit of a " swinging time " going on there... Like the older one best though.
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