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Zaid Kurdi | all galleries >> Amman-Jordan >> King Hussein Mosque > 3
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Carol Rollins05-Feb-2008 14:35
This is beautiful, Zaid! Wonderful composition and great light capture. V
January Grey22-Dec-2007 06:07
A very well-composed image, Zaid. Lovely light and colors. V~
Gervan25-Oct-2007 08:45
Nice shot. serene admosphere. V.
Guest 04-May-2007 00:53
beautiful capture...
Paco López25-Apr-2007 06:19
Very nice shot!!! ¡v!
Soenda12-Apr-2007 09:12
I enjoy seeing the gentleman hurrying to enter the mosque. His posture and gait show that he is quite anxious not to be late. The soft colors are lovely and serene.
Martha Albuquerque09-Apr-2007 11:39
great image and mood! ~voted~
Emad Omar08-Apr-2007 21:00
well done