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Zaid Kurdi | all galleries >> Amman-Jordan >> King Hussein Mosque > 1
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Lamar Nix19-Apr-2010 18:14
Excellent image! V
Guest 16-Mar-2010 18:13
great composition!! NICE! BV
Carol Rollins05-Feb-2008 14:34
This is a lovely composition, Zaid! Very well captured. V
missy_gardenwhimsy03-Feb-2008 21:27
Great photo of this beauiful building!
Soenda28-Dec-2007 11:04
There is a wonderful gentleness about this photograph. The sky is a delicate balance of pale pink and blue, while soft light blushes against the structure itself. It creates an image of beauty.
January Grey12-Dec-2007 06:44
Love the soft glow of light, Zaid. A lovely capture. V~
Guest 10-May-2007 04:56
Like the delicate lighting, bgeautiful building. v.
Guest 09-May-2007 21:52
beautiful capture - sweet colors....
Guest 09-May-2007 08:47
beautiful building and light.
Yiannis Pavlis08-May-2007 12:46
very beautifull light and tones.the building looks great .
Debbie Blackburn Beierle04-May-2007 06:33
Very nice point of view. Subtle yet pretty sky. v
Liz Bickel02-May-2007 19:45
The lighting is so beautiful.
Eric Carrère19-Apr-2007 20:01
Beautiful image Zaid, V.
Simon Chandler16-Apr-2007 03:31
Beautiful. Good light and tone. v
Ceya10-Apr-2007 17:20
Beautiful silhouettes against the rosa sky.. V
Fabienne09-Apr-2007 23:16
Jolie photo avec un éclairage et des lumières bien maitrisées.
Martha Albuquerque09-Apr-2007 11:38
B e a u t i f u l ! ~v o t e d~
Bruna K.08-Apr-2007 05:34
Nice image!
Was is at sunset or at sunrise?
I love the light and the tender colours of the sky