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Yvonne | all galleries >> R O S E S >> ~ Spring in Australia 2007 - 2 ~ > Honey Bouquet
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26-NOV-2007 Yvonne

Honey Bouquet

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Greg Christie01-Dec-2007 05:57
What a great portrait pair!
cat bounds30-Nov-2007 23:12
I can almost smell them. Beautiful.
Jackdad30-Nov-2007 20:23
it's a bit orange for me. :-)
QUERIDO30-Nov-2007 18:44
Nice shot,vote
Sheila30-Nov-2007 13:50
Simply gorgeous shot.
Victoria30-Nov-2007 11:42
What a sweet shot...wish my gallery will full of rose someday
Ceya30-Nov-2007 10:52
Lovely bouquet! Big vote!
Gerard Koehl30-Nov-2007 06:07
Magnifique cette paire de rose. V
monil30-Nov-2007 00:58
Very beautifull roses. V
Jay Levin30-Nov-2007 00:28
Two votes this time, Yvonne. VV
BAS Photography29-Nov-2007 23:32
I wish I could feel the smell! They look gorgeous! ~V~
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