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Yvonne | all galleries >> The occasional pad >> SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE. S is for...?? > "Steps"
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13-AUG-2017 Yvonne


Mossman Gorge, FNQ Australia

Occasionally along the pathway one came across a few steps as seen here.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3
1/25s f/2.0 at 5.1mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
LynnH10-Sep-2017 23:39
It does look dry, despite the lush foliage. Nice lighting and a relaxed mood.
laine10-Sep-2017 02:34
Looking a bit dry there too, Von
larose forest photos10-Sep-2017 01:25
This looks so wonderfully tropical. V
Walter Otto Koenig09-Sep-2017 19:53
Really like the dense vegetation and soft light. "V"
borisalex09-Sep-2017 14:15
A well known steps and a fine composition! V
Jeff Real09-Sep-2017 14:09
You have made traveling that path a very compelling prospect
joseantonio09-Sep-2017 08:47
looks like a pleasant walk despite the steps.V
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