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Bernie | profile | all galleries >> January 2013 Images >> In Search of Robbers Roost tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

In Search of Robbers Roost

A hike starting at Carney Springs trailhead to Boulder Saddle then north. We never found the actual "Robbers Roost" location, but explored the boulder-y surroundings and returned the way we came. Watched the shadows lengthen and the sun set before hiking back to the parking area.

Getting the directions to the Roost prior to the hike
Getting the directions to the Roost prior to the hike
Dacite cliffs to the north of the parking area
Dacite cliffs to the north of the parking area
The approach track to the Carney Springs trailhead is a nice easy hike through the desert
The approach track to the Carney Springs trailhead is a nice easy hike through the desert
View to the northwest approaching the Carney Springs trailhead
View to the northwest approaching the Carney Springs trailhead
Bre and Donna starting the climb up towards the saddle
Bre and Donna starting the climb up towards the saddle
At the top of the ridge, large sheets of ice survived from a recent cold period
At the top of the ridge, large sheets of ice survived from a recent cold period
Rock dude
Rock dude
Dolphin rock
Dolphin rock
Weaver's Needle
Weaver's Needle
Spring flowers in January
Spring flowers in January
Stralia rock
Stralia rock
Honeycomb rock
Honeycomb rock
Ancient remains
Ancient remains
Window to the low desert
Window to the low desert
View towards Geronimo Cave and beyond
View towards Geronimo Cave and beyond
Four Peaks in the background
Four Peaks in the background
Late afternoon descent
Late afternoon descent
Arriving back to the flatlands
Arriving back to the flatlands
We were back there somewhere
We were back there somewhere
Cholla and cliff
Cholla and cliff
Desert landscape
Desert landscape
Landscape too
Landscape too
Donna and Bre chilling 1
Donna and Bre chilling 1
D & B chilling 2
D & B chilling 2
Golden moment on the Dacite Cliffs
Golden moment on the Dacite Cliffs
Sunset as seen through Baader film
Sunset as seen through Baader film
Just past first quarter
Just past first quarter
Belt of Venus (Earth shadow) rising to the east
"Belt of Venus" (Earth shadow) rising to the east
Desert solitude after sunset
Desert solitude after sunset