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7-06 First Email Day
7-06 First Email Day
8-16-06 Wild Basin Hike
8-16-06 Wild Basin Hike
8-16-06-Wild Basin Hike
8-16-06-Wild Basin Hike
8-16-06 Wild Basin Hike
8-16-06 Wild Basin Hike
8-16-06 Wild Basin Hike
8-16-06 Wild Basin Hike
8-06 - Tinfoil Rags
8-06 - Tinfoil Rags
8-06 - Arrived in SE Arm
8-06 - Arrived in SE Arm
8-06 - Up Chipmunk Creek - Lake Trip
8-06 - Up Chipmunk Creek - Lake Trip
9-06 FND
9-06 FND
9-06 Pawnee Natl Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl. Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl. Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl. Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl. Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl. Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl. Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl. Grassland
9-06 Pawnee Natl. Grassland
10-06 Hike to The Pool
10-06 Hike to The Pool
10-06 Hike to The Pool
10-06 Hike to The Pool
10-06 Hike to The Pool
10-06 Hike to The Pool
10-06 Hike to The Pool
10-06 Hike to The Pool
10-06 The Pool Hike
10-06 The Pool Hike
10-06 The Pool Hike
10-06 The Pool Hike
10-06 Just After Near Death Horse Experience
10-06 Just After Near Death Horse Experience
10-06 Just After Near Death Horse Experience
10-06 Just After Near Death Horse Experience
10-06 RMNP
10-06 RMNP
10-06 at Pop's
10-06 at Pop's
10-06 at Pop's
10-06 at Pop's
10-06 at Pop's
10-06 at Pop's
10-06 at Pop's
10-06 at Pop's
12-06 Xmas Eve
12-06 Xmas Eve
12-06 Xmas Eve
12-06 Xmas Eve
12-06 Xmas Eve
12-06 Xmas Eve
2-07 Penetente Canyon
2-07 Penetente Canyon
2-07 Penetente Canyon
2-07 Penetente Canyon
2-07 Penetente Canyon
2-07 Penetente Canyon
2-07 Skiing Wolf Creek Pass
2-07 Skiing Wolf Creek Pass
3-07 Rose Creek Pen - Ystone
3-07 Rose Creek Pen - Ystone
3-07 Snowshoeing in Ystone
3-07 Snowshoeing in Ystone
3-07 Snowshoeing Ystone
3-07 Snowshoeing Ystone
3-07 At the First Kiss Spot
3-07 At the First Kiss Spot
5-07 Window at El Ray
5-07 Window at El Ray
7-07 Gem Lake Cave
7-07 Gem Lake Cave
7-07 Rockclimbing - Gem Lake
7-07 Rockclimbing - Gem Lake
7-07 Gem Lake
7-07 Gem Lake
7-07 Gem Lake Hike
7-07 Gem Lake Hike
7-07 Gem Lake Hike
7-07 Gem Lake Hike
7-07 Rockclimbing - Gem Lake
7-07 Rockclimbing - Gem Lake
7-07 Gem Lake
7-07 Gem Lake
7-07 Gem Lake
7-07 Gem Lake
7-07 Gem Lake Cave
7-07 Gem Lake Cave
8-07 Wellington Lake
8-07 Wellington Lake
8-07 Wellington Lake
8-07 Wellington Lake
8-07 SLC
8-07 SLC
8-07 Bday - SLC
8-07 Bday - SLC
8-07 Bechler River - Ystone
8-07 Bechler River - Ystone
8-07 Trestle - Henry's Fork ID
8-07 Trestle - Henry's Fork ID
8-07 Angus - Henry's Fork Trestle
8-07 Angus - Henry's Fork Trestle
11-07 Photo Booth
11-07 Photo Booth
12-6-07 - Our Wedding Day
12-6-07 - Our Wedding Day
7-08 Photobooth Combo
7-08 Photobooth Combo
8-08 Angus and Kermit
8-08 Angus and Kermit
8-08 Angus - Bechler River - Ystone
8-08 Angus - Bechler River - Ystone
8-08 Henry's Fork Trestle Bridge
8-08 Henry's Fork Trestle Bridge
8-08 Angus - Henry's Fork
8-08 Angus - Henry's Fork
8-08 Rags - Henry's Fork
8-08 Rags - Henry's Fork
8-08 Us in Sepia
8-08 Us in Sepia
Home Life - Summer 08
Home Life - Summer 08
12-08 SLC
12-08 SLC
12-08 SLC
12-08 SLC
3-09 Angus & Sadie
3-09 Angus & Sadie
03-09 Angus and Sadie
03-09 Angus and Sadie
3-09 The Three of Us
3-09 The Three of Us
8-09 Us - Wild Basin
8-09 Us - Wild Basin
8-09 Rags - Wild Basin
8-09 Rags - Wild Basin
8-09 Angus & Rags - Wild Basin
8-09 Angus & Rags - Wild Basin
8-09 Rags & Sadie
8-09 Rags & Sadie
08-09  The Sadie-mobile
08-09 The Sadie-mobile
08-09 We All Howl
08-09 We All Howl
08-09 Rags & Sadie - In the Big Chair
08-09 Rags & Sadie - In the Big Chair
08-09 Mom & Sadie
08-09 Mom & Sadie
08-09 Sadie & Dad
08-09 Sadie & Dad
08-09 Sadies Sweet Ride
08-09 Sadies Sweet Ride
10.03.13  Ben - adoption day
10.03.13 Ben - adoption day
10.03.13 Ben and Rags.jpg
10.03.13 Ben and Rags.jpg
10.03.13 Mom and Ben.jpg
10.03.13 Mom and Ben.jpg
10.10 Ben
10.10 Ben
10.10 Angus - New Bench
10.10 Angus - New Bench
10.10 Sadie
10.10 Sadie