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chris | profile | all galleries >> Finger Lakes Region July 2004 >> Binghamton Univercity July 10 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Binghamton Univercity July 10

Binghamton University Gate
Binghamton University Gate
Mike's Dorm room (right above his big head)
Mike's Dorm room (right above his big head)
Student Union (everything is the same)
Student Union (everything is the same)
Bus schedule
Bus schedule
East Lounge (Where Mike used to take a long long nap)
East Lounge (Where Mike used to take a long long nap)
You know what I'm talking about now
You know what I'm talking about now
He didn't own a locker before, let's go
He didn't own a locker before, let's go
Worst Dining Hall
Worst Dining Hall
Fine Arts Building
Fine Arts Building
where are we?
where are we?
Library again
Library again
Fine! where he used to pass a lot. Worth one pic
Fine! where he used to pass a lot. Worth one pic
Engineering building
Engineering building
PC lab
PC lab
let's go check out my professor's office
let's go check out my professor's office
Almost there
Almost there
She's the best
She's the best
Dont know where!
Dont know where!
Inside library
Inside library
Outside Library
Outside Library
Nothing changed!
Nothing changed!
Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall
Lecture room three
Lecture room three
Lecture room ONE
Lecture room ONE
Huge huh
Huge huh
Come up! what are you doing?
Come up! what are you doing?
University News Paper
University News Paper
CIW=College In Woods
CIW=College In Woods
You are the Best! Binghamton!
You are the Best! Binghamton!