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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Virginia City Nevada and Caireen & Jason's wedding tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Virginia City Nevada and Caireen & Jason's wedding

Yo (Caireen) and Jason decided that they wanted to get married and came by on Saturday morning to break the news and ask if we wanted to come along as the witnesses. When we arrived in Reno, there were NO rooms. We went to Carson City next. The pickings were slim there too. The next morning, they had to drive back to Reno to get their license. They then started looking for a wedding chapel. They found one where you could be married by an Elvis impersonator, several with plastic heart decor, and a house of ill repute/chapel. They hated all of them! They finally stopped at a gas station. There Keith pumped them gas and told them about Virginia City. He helped them make a few calls and they were set. They found a great little chapel in a historic hotel in Virginia City with an actual minister (not from Rolling Stone mail order). The town was great. As usual, I wandered around with my camera and the girls. At 3:45pm we went to the wedding. They both were so happy! We all wished them the best as they ventured out together hand in hand.
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Virginia City facilities.

Virginia City facilities.

The jewelers

The jewelers

An abandoned wagon.

An abandoned wagon.

A hose carrier from the 1800's volunteer fire department.

A hose carrier from the 1800's volunteer fire department.

Molinelli's Hotel

Molinelli's Hotel

One of the colorful saloons dating back to the Comstock days.

One of the colorful saloons dating back to the Comstock days.

u44/yazziegirl/medium/28673626.DSCN3734.jpg A wooden carving of a cowgirl.

A wooden carving of a cowgirl.

The Silver Queen Hotel, where they were married.

The Silver Queen Hotel, where they were married.

Lollie & Addie waiting for the ceremony.

Lollie & Addie waiting for the ceremony.

The about to be bride and groom waiting.

The about to be bride and groom waiting.

The pastor and the paperwork.

The pastor and the paperwork.

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