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Almost Photo A Day Album 2007

Various pictures taken as a photo-a-day challenge
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Horse N Around
Horse N Around
Frosty Morning
Frosty Morning
Eagle on Agency Lake
Eagle on Agency Lake
False Spring
False Spring
Winter morning
Winter morning
Blue water, mountains and skies
Blue water, mountains and skies
Wetlands and Mt. Shasta
Wetlands and Mt. Shasta
Duck, Duck, Goose
Duck, Duck, Goose
Out West
Out West
It Is Finished In Beauty
It Is Finished In Beauty
The Endless Skies of Eastern Oregon
The Endless Skies of Eastern Oregon
The Bond
The Bond
Getting her wiggles out
Getting her wiggles out
Cloudy afternoon
Cloudy afternoon
Canada Goose
Canada Goose
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Downtown Atlanta
Downtown Atlanta
Biltmore Tulips
Biltmore Tulips
Alajuela Marketplace
Alajuela Marketplace
Canoes at Miss Junie's Cabinas
Canoes at Miss Junie's Cabinas
Sunrise Tortuguero
Sunrise Tortuguero
White-Faced Capachine
White-Faced Capachine
Mom & daughter
Mom & daughter
Early Morning Street
Early Morning Street
Mountain Majesty
Mountain Majesty
Harvest Bounty
Harvest Bounty
Sunset on Shasta Lake
Sunset on Shasta Lake
Flurry the Elf & Lollie
Flurry the Elf & Lollie
Wnter's Grip
Wnter's Grip
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