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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> 2011_photos_as_i_m_able >> July Black and White Buildings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

July Black and White Buildings

1. The art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.
2. The style of a building with regard to a specific period, place, or culture.
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9. Ranch Style Steak House
9. Ranch Style Steak House
8. Sisters Quilt Show
8. Sisters Quilt Show
7. Ranch entry with 3 Sisters Mountains in the background
7. Ranch entry with 3 Sisters Mountains in the background
6. Deschutes County Barn at Sunset
6. Deschutes County Barn at Sunset
5. Home Sweet Home
5. Home Sweet Home
4. Modern Title Company
4. Modern Title Company
3. Victorian Rose
3. Victorian Rose
2. Hellgate River Operations
2. Hellgate River Operations
1. A Country Bandstand
1. A Country Bandstand
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