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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Ghost Town Named Bodie (Updated 6/08) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Ghost Town Named Bodie (Updated 6/08)

Bodie is probably the best preserved Ghost Town in the West. It is a State Park that preserved a mining town from some of the vandalism and left the buildings appearing close to what they must have looked like in the 1800's. The high desert climate preserved the wood- and the state park designation protected it from treasure hunters to a good extent. Originally, there was a brick town a few miles away on the Nevada side of the border, named Aurora. Now there is nothing there but a little rubble.
The State Park designation put steep fines on removing the artifacts - and we can now appreciate a town that was wild & wooly. For more information on this historical town see http: //
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James Cain House
James Cain House
This house had the type of glass the reflected the whole desert!
James Cain House

This house had the type of glass the reflected the whole desert!

The only church still standing in Bodie. It was built in 1882.
Methodist Church

The only church still standing in Bodie. It was built in 1882.

Methodist church
Methodist church
Church Steeple
Church Steeple
This shell station was abandoned in the 1940's.
gas station

This shell station was abandoned in the 1940's.

1927 Dodge Graham
1927 Dodge Graham
1927 Dodge Graham and gas pump
1927 Dodge Graham and gas pump
1927 Dodge in front of the garage
1927 Dodge in front of the garage
This store and Warehouse look like someone just left for the day and never came back. Note the
leaded windows that reflect the desert.
Boone Store

This store and Warehouse look like someone just left for the day and never came back. Note the
leaded windows that reflect the desert.

The store is a little shabbier 13 years later
Boone Store

The store is a little shabbier 13 years later

This Ore Wagon still sits in front of the blacksmith's shop.
blacksmiths wagon

This Ore Wagon still sits in front of the blacksmith's shop.

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