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Karthik Raja | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Incredible India >> Rishikesh, Haridwar, Kunjapuri - Uttaranchal >> Kunjapuri Devi Temple tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Rishikesh | Haridwar | Kunjapuri Devi Temple

Kunjapuri Devi Temple

Located at an altitude of 1645 mts and hidden in the mountains near Rishikesh, it offers
a panoramic view of the Himalayan peaks to the North and  of Rishikesh, Haridwar and the 
Doon valley to the South. Travelling towards Gangotri, about 6 kms, from Narendra Nagar the 
road bifurcates at Hindola Khal, leading to the shrine, which is 5 kms further. Being a 
prime religious center, thousands of visitors come throughout the year especially during
‘Navratras’ (April & October). Grand Celebrations are held during the Dussehra festival.
This is one of the temples where Sati's body parts fell. 
Read more about the temple here...
See photos of other Devi temples in Himachal here...
Steps to the Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
Steps to the Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
Entrance guarded by lions, Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
Entrance guarded by lions, Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
View from the Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
View from the Kunjapuri Devi temple, Uttaranchal
Mountains, Morning glow, Rishikesh, India
Mountains, Morning glow, Rishikesh, India
Garhwal range Over 6000m, Uttaranchal
Garhwal range Over 6000m, Uttaranchal
Highest visble peak from Kunjapuri, Uttaranchal
Highest visble peak from Kunjapuri, Uttaranchal
Village in the mountain, Uttaranchal
Village in the mountain, Uttaranchal
Country road, take me home, Uttaranchal
Country road, take me home, Uttaranchal