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Danny Yanai | all galleries >> Baby Sivan fighting for life >> Sivan's recovery July-Aug 2009 > IMG_3314.JPG
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Ganey-Tikva, Israel

Sivan has left the hospitalization and is now back home. She'll continue visit hospital for monitoring for some time, and will also keep going for rehabillitation.
But home will the base from now on.

Canon EOS 50D
1/50s f/2.8 at 45.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 05-Aug-2009 06:43
yeaaaaahhhhhh Sivan is home noooowwwwwww ..... Very very good newsss....
YNW05-Aug-2009 03:19
Yeah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`Bravo, Sivan!!!!
Eric Hewis04-Aug-2009 23:15
Hooray!, let's hope it's permanent.
Sivan looks pleased about it.