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Yaki Zander. | all galleries >> Birds >> song birds. > Little Green Bee-eater.
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Little Green Bee-eater.

Nikon D300
1/2500s f/5.6 at 500.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Claude Gagnon05-Dec-2016 14:11
So spectacular :)) V
Guest 14-Dec-2011 19:39
Just doesn't get any better
Guest 13-Dec-2011 17:09
Way to cool, amazing timing to get this, well done.
Sheila12-Dec-2011 22:13
Outstanding capture by you.
Incredible detail and sharpness.
Irene Wehrli12-Dec-2011 11:56
Wow - perfect timing, perfect shot!
Jean Chiasson08-Dec-2011 22:29
Wow amazing image Yaki great vote
Rosemarie Kusserow08-Dec-2011 12:20
Great timing and an marvelous capture, BV
Rosemarie :o)
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal08-Dec-2011 08:31
Excellent work!!
Cliff08-Dec-2011 07:49
Goodness me, what a stunner!
Peter Stahl08-Dec-2011 00:49
Wow!! Super capture for the two of you!!!! :-)
Dave Hawkins07-Dec-2011 23:32
Absolute perfection! What a wonderful shot!! V
Janet Forjan-Freedman07-Dec-2011 18:26
Wow! What a great moment captured perfectly!
Torben Jorgensen07-Dec-2011 14:52
Fantastic shot. Bravo. V
Guest 07-Dec-2011 08:43
Super shot of this beautiful bird .Perfect timing and detail WOW !!!!!!!
Milan Vogrin07-Dec-2011 08:19
Lise De Serres07-Dec-2011 03:01
Ouf! Such a fantastic shot!
Gail Miller07-Dec-2011 00:15
OUTSTANDING shot, bravo!!!!
Hank Vander Velde06-Dec-2011 23:31
FANTASTIC action shot Yaki.
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak06-Dec-2011 20:48
Fantastic capture! ~V~
Maja Waiss06-Dec-2011 20:41
Great!! V
Michael Gehrisch06-Dec-2011 20:30
Fanstastic! V
Gerard Koehl06-Dec-2011 19:17
Wow... Impressionnant. V
Guest 06-Dec-2011 17:50
perfect timing and capture!
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