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yaffa rennert | all galleries >> 70+ >> 70+addition > Luka 261901.jpg
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Luka 261901.jpg

Copyright 2006 yaffar. Contact:

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Linda Matta21-Nov-2006 18:26
... she knows what it's all about!!! SUPERB!
Jen Bixler26-Sep-2006 18:10
Beautiful image.
yaffa rennert24-Aug-2006 16:38
Thank you very much for your observant comment.
Luka is indeed an amazing 92 year old woman, who, in addition to her extensive social activities throughout the years, also enjoys painting and sculpture.
I enjoyed wandering around in your galleries.
Tracy Howell23-Aug-2006 22:16
I really like this it tells you a bit about Luka with all her belongings around her!.
ltolksdorf05-Aug-2006 12:38
I agree with Adrian. I like you capture the work surrondings. Vote.
Guest 05-Aug-2006 09:54
Great portrait
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