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Ken Leonard | profile | all galleries >> SoCal woodies ( 20 galleries) >> Wavecrest 2003 woodies show gallery #3 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wavecrest 2003 woodies show gallery #3

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The 24th annual Encinitas event at Moonlight Beach once again turned out toi be a memoral event for me complete with a great surf band this year. 3 Euro "shooting breaks" showed up. Took approx. 350 photos of which I will upload over 300. Arrived at 3:00 AM just to get a decent parking place next to the woodies!

All photos CXopyright 2003 Ken Leonard

Very high resolution 8 1/2 X 11 printed edge to edge on premium archival semi gloss paper avgailable for $10 each. Add $4 for mailing (up to 3 prints).

These photos are much smaller than originals and not suitable for printing. All photos copyright 2003 Ken Leonard. Very high quality 8 1/2 X 11 prints available for reasonable prices, inquire.

All photos Copyright 2003 Ken Leonard

SoCal Weekly Cruise Nights CLICK HERE

SoCal Classic Car Shows for this weekend CLICK HERE

2003 California Woodies Shows and links CLICK HERE

All photos taken with Nikon CP 5000 (5.2 MP)

There are now over 8,000 classic car photos in these albums with many hundreds more coming soon. All cars taken in SoCal from Santa Barbara to San Diego. Check back often for new updates.

All photos uploaded in much reduced size to accomodate quick viewing. Originals much higher resolution and quality

Permission granted to place a link to this site as long as you give me credit.

All photos Copyright 2002, 2003 Ken Leonard

Comments ALWAYS welcome

High quality 8 1/2 X 11 prints available at very reasonable cost. Printed on state of the art 7 color archival (up to 140 year) prints.

Ken Leonard
Belmont Shore, SoCal
Kens galleries at:
pbase supporter
Nikon Coolpix 5000 + WC-E68 wide angle adaptor (19 MM equiv.)
Striving for Excellence in Digital Photography
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1951 Ford Country Squire
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1937 Packard woodie
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