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Ken Leonard | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Pomona Twilight Cruise 2006 - 5 albums tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pomona Twilight Cruise 2006 - 5 albums

Approximately 1100 photos in 5 albums

Held first Wednesday of each month, March through December at the NHRA Parking Lot of the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds.

I attended 5 first Wednesday Twilight Cruises held in the NHRA parking lot at Pomona Fairgrounds in 2006. These 5 albums contain the photos I took.

All photos drastically downsized and not suitable for printing. All photos Copyright 2006 Ken Leonard
Permission granted to use the online versions of these photos on your site as long as I am given recognition:

Copyright 2006 Ken Leonard

and please include a link to my site:

Full size (from 10.2 MP Nikon DSLR JPEG's available. Inquire. Select the photo you are interested in by clicking on the photo and leaving a comment. Or you may note the url address of the photo, copy it and e-mail me at:

Thank you for your professional considerations.

If you like what you see and wish for me to continue putting up these photos please consider a small donation. This site and the equipment I use to do this for you does not come free. Thank You, Ken

Twilight Cruise 2006 Volume #4
:: Twilight Cruise 2006 Volume #4 ::
Twilight Cruise 2006 Volume #3
:: Twilight Cruise 2006 Volume #3 ::
Twilight Cruise Pomona 2006 Vol. #2
:: Twilight Cruise Pomona 2006 Vol. #2 ::
Twilight Cruise Pomona 2006 Vol. #1
:: Twilight Cruise Pomona 2006 Vol. #1 ::
Pomona Twilight Cruise 2006 Volume #5
:: Pomona Twilight Cruise 2006 Volume #5 ::