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Ken Leonard | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Natural History Museum of Los Angeles tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Natural History Museum of Los Angeles

Just some representative shots taken at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County located in Expsition Park next to the Coliseum and USC. Unfortunately I was unable to take any photos of the Bog People Exhibit as photography of any kind was not allowed.

All photos drastically downsized and optimized for online viewing only. All photos copyright 2006 Ken Leonard
Rose Gardens view of the Natural History Museum
Rose Gardens view of the Natural History Museum
Entry area to the California Sciencenter
Entry area to the California Sciencenter
Rose, Rose Gardens
Rose, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Hydrangeas, Rose Gardens
Rose, Rose Gardens
Rose, Rose Gardens
g4/26/12626/3/62525103.aeOosRxA.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525107.MGikYsXp.jpg Canna Lily
Canna Lily
Natual History Museum
Natual History Museum
g4/26/12626/3/62525118.QHWm22F0.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525121.nHmvHGDX.jpg Live Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Live Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Live Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Live Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Butterfly exhibit (outside the Museum)
Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly
g4/26/12626/3/62525162.XyO7mnsV.jpg Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly
Zebra Longwing butterfly
Zebra Longwing butterfly
g4/26/12626/3/62525178.8XDfIUWv.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525182.dRveqENp.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525186.p3iHZTzz.jpg
g4/26/12626/3/62525190.6TeiU1I8.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525194.DEgVnvSt.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525199.I89Dp9bV.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525203.uMoXD5FH.jpg
g4/26/12626/3/62525207.czOQDvuU.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525210.sLVL8zmi.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525215.cp7DUCAL.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525219.AFedtNtO.jpg
g4/26/12626/3/62525224.g8X0U63h.jpg Oar Fish
Oar Fish
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Natural California Gold in the shape of a Bear
Natural California Gold in the shape of a Bear
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Carved jade skeletal hand
Carved jade skeletal hand
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Boulder Opal
Boulder Opal
Carved Jadeite
Carved Jadeite
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Carved Jadeite
Carved Jadeite
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
Gem and Mineral Exhibit
North American Animals diorama
North American Animals diorama
North American Animals diorama
North American Animals diorama
North American Animals diorama
North American Animals diorama
North American Animals diorama
North American Animals diorama
g4/26/12626/3/62525321.BcL6gIsL.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525324.u54aiNmu.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525326.2RflNbIj.jpg
g4/26/12626/3/62525328.K9hfEtNG.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525330.ojW2FOus.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525332.NGLbqzVy.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525334.kosa5xKK.jpg
g4/26/12626/3/62525335.thKKaJAm.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525337.fhLHqNid.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525339.NHexIaHh.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525341.nWqEBnzS.jpg
g4/26/12626/3/62525343.iorzErOQ.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525345.6sN8m09L.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525347.vZuERmLF.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525349.9YTYh6iV.jpg
g4/26/12626/3/62525351.7McrhrSA.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525352.FNsqUUt8.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525354.GlFswps4.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525356.xNkoETyd.jpg
g4/26/12626/3/62525358.iKILFExU.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525360.gn848knD.jpg g4/26/12626/3/62525362.d8lIFYUo.jpg Alosaurus, Carnivorous Dinasaur
Alosaurus, Carnivorous Dinasaur
Alosaurus, Carnivorous Dinasaur
Alosaurus, Carnivorous Dinasaur
Duck Billed Dinasaur
Duck Billed Dinasaur