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Ken Leonard | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Matilda the Macaw tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Matilda the Macaw

Took the original shot at a pet store at the Irvine Spectrum (O.C.). Her name is Matilda and she was begging for a better photo.

I asked my good friends at DPReview Retouch forum to take the original photo and enhance it with Photoshop. Below please find
some nice reworks of the original photos.

Click on photo to view the original DPreview Retouch Forum post for each photo.

Ken Leonard
Retouch Courtesy of Chris
Retouch Courtesy of Chris
Retouch Courtesy of Chris
Retouch Courtesy of Chris
Retouch Courtesy of Brian Hamilton
Retouch Courtesy of Brian Hamilton
Retouch courtesy of Sam Briggs
Retouch courtesy of Sam Briggs
Retouch courtesy of Kate
Retouch courtesy of Kate
Retouch courtesy of metgue
Retouch courtesy of "metgue"
Retouch courtesy of Carrie
Retouch courtesy of Carrie
Retouch courtesy of Jane Alexander
Retouch courtesy of Jane Alexander
Retouch courtesy of Lylejk
Retouch courtesy of "Lylejk"
Retouch courtesy of Mathew Clark
Retouch courtesy of Mathew Clark