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Ken Leonard | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 4 Vols / 800 + photos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 4 Vols / 800 + photos

The Great Labor Day Cruise is an annual 3 day cruising event held at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, CA. pre '74 cars are displayed and cruised from 9:00 AM to 11:00 PM on Sat. and Sunday and for a few hours on Labor Day Monday. At noontime Monday the numerous awards for best of show are given out. See Vol. #4 for photos of all the winners.

All photos much smaller than originals. All photos not suited for printing. All photos copyright 2004 Ken Leonard. PLease spread the word to your friends for internet viewing but please do not attempt to print.

The very highest quality 8 1/2 X 11 edge to edge 90 year archival prints printed on state of the art 7 color printer and finest paper available for $10 each plus shipping if applicable. Click on photo then leave comment if you wish a print. I will get back to you via e-mail with all details.

Priunts are printed from full 23 meg. files from an 8 MP Nikon camera.

Ken Leonard
Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 Vol. #1
:: Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 Vol. #1 ::
Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 Vol. #2
:: Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 Vol. #2 ::
Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 Vol. #3
:: Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 Vol. #3 ::
Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 Vol. #4 / WINNERS
:: Labor Day Cruise XXII 2004 Vol. #4 / WINNERS ::