Order of photos periodically randomized to create further interest.
This is a temporary album from JPEG versions. I have also shot all of these in RAW and will be processing those in the future along with shots from about 3 other Donut Derelicts visits.
Donut Derelicts is an almost legendary early Saturday Morning meet that is held at a small strip mall with a donut shop at the intersection of Magnolia and Adams in Huntington Beach. On many occasions I have talked to enthusiasts from England and other European counties here as well as Australia.
All photos drastically downsized and unsuitable for printing. Printing of these images strictly prohibited. All photos Copyright Ken Leonard, all rights reserved. Feel free to share these online versions on your website as long as you give me credit and a link back to the album you got them from.
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1953 Ford Victoria
1950 Buick Super Four Door Sedan
1954 Chevrolet Bel-Air Two Door Hardtop
Slightly lowered and Customized 1953 Ford Customline Two Door Sedan