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Sheena Xin Liu | profile | all galleries >> Old collections >> People >> People in the moments tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

People in the moments

Please visit those pictures at their original sizes. Enjoy and your comments are welcome!
a girl and many adults, DC
a girl and many adults, DC
a bird feeder. Paris
a bird feeder. Paris
Back me up Dad.
Back me up Dad.
the kid and her mother, English Bay
the kid and her mother, English Bay
Walk toward future
Walk toward future
a woman biker,  Montana
a woman biker, Montana
sweet couple
sweet couple
A woman in sorrow
A woman in sorrow
Worldcup fever, Italy
Worldcup fever, Italy
dance with you
dance with you
g4/79/551779/3/63505134.xmjv9Ah0.jpg g4/79/551779/3/63501217.M7FV1x9C.jpg
a biker along Thames
a biker along Thames
the running girl ,Vatican
the running girl ,Vatican
 waiting, Lincon Center, NYC
waiting, Lincon Center, NYC
Red capture
Red capture
g4/79/551779/3/63498852.XCjNpzGj.jpg g4/79/551779/3/63496917.b4zj5NTF.jpg
Worldcup winner, Italy
Worldcup winner, Italy
Big Ben
Big Ben