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Matthew Haswell | profile | all galleries >> Japan 日本 >> Kyūshū 九州 >> Dazaifu 大宰府 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Kitakyūshū 北九州 | Fukuoka (Hakata) 福岡 (博多) | Dazaifu 大宰府 | Karatsu 唐津 | Saga and Yoshinogari 佐賀と吉野ヶ里 | Hirado 平戸 | Huis ten Bosch ハウステンボス | Nagasaki 長崎 | Kumamoto 熊本 | Aso-san 阿蘇山 | Beppu 別府

Dazaifu 大宰府

Temple town on the southern outskirts of Fukuoka, site of Japan's foremost shrine to the god of learning
Dazaifu station area
Dazaifu station area
Ubiquitous 'soft cream' stand
Ubiquitous 'soft cream' stand
Making umegaemochi
Making umegaemochi
Colorful gate into the inner courtyard
Colorful gate into the inner courtyard
Facing the worship hall
Facing the worship hall
Buying charms
Buying charms
Opposing lanterns
Opposing lanterns
Zen garden at Kōmyōzen-ji
Zen garden at Kōmyōzen-ji
Contemplative moss and rock garden
Contemplative moss and rock garden