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Matthew Haswell | profile | all galleries >> Montenegro (Црна Гора) >> Cetinje (Цетиње) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Kotor (Котор) | Budva (Будва) | Cetinje (Цетиње) | Bar (Бар) | Ulcinj (Улцињ)

Cetinje (Цетиње)

Quaintly historic former capital of Montenegro, now a laid-back mountain town of 20,000 and a welcome relief from the summer heat of the coast.
Villa converted into apartments
Villa converted into apartments
Former Russian Embassy
Former Russian Embassy
Memorial to Ivan Crnojević
Memorial to Ivan Crnojević
Historic facades on the main street
Historic facades on the main street
Statue outside a villa
Statue outside a villa
Vlach Church
Vlach Church
Cetinje Monastery
Cetinje Monastery
Entrance and gate of former French Embassy
Entrance and gate of former French Embassy
Panorama over central Cetinje
Panorama over central Cetinje
Former Austro-Hungarian Embassy
Former Austro-Hungarian Embassy
Mausoleum on Orlov Krš
Mausoleum on Orlov Krš
Biljarda (Billiard Hall)
Biljarda (Billiard Hall)
Former Bulgarian Embassy
Former Bulgarian Embassy
Ethnographic Museum of Montenegro
Ethnographic Museum of Montenegro
Souvenir stands off the edge of town
Souvenir stands off the edge of town
Signpole pointing to other famed world museums
Signpole pointing to other famed world museums
Church of the Virgin Mary's Birth at Ćipur
Church of the Virgin Mary's Birth at Ćipur
King Nikola's Palace
King Nikola's Palace
Old houses along a northern backstreet
Old houses along a northern backstreet
Presidential Palace
Presidential Palace
Palace of Prince Danilo (Blue Palace)
Palace of Prince Danilo ("Blue Palace")
Icons and altar in the monastery chapel
Icons and altar in the monastery chapel
Summer stage
Summer stage
Tourists headed to the Biljarda
Tourists headed to the Biljarda
Graceful old villa
Graceful old villa
Front of the former Government House
Front of the former Government House
Main street in Cetinje's old town
Main street in Cetinje's old town
Front door of the French Embassy
Front door of the French Embassy
Colorful facades
Colorful facades
Zetski Dom Royal Theatre
Zetski Dom Royal Theatre
Weathered old houses off the center
Weathered old houses off the center
Former Embassy of Great Britain
Former Embassy of Great Britain
Another view of the Ethnographic Museum
Another view of the Ethnographic Museum
Village on the southern outskirts
Village on the southern outskirts
Cetinje's old town center
Cetinje's old town center
Lovćenska Vila and the Vlach Church
Lovćenska Vila and the Vlach Church
Roof detail of the Russian Embassy
Roof detail of the Russian Embassy
Front entrance of Cetinje Monastery
Front entrance of Cetinje Monastery
Old Cetinje from the mausoleum
Old Cetinje from the mausoleum
Bishop Danilo's Mausoleum
Bishop Danilo's Mausoleum
Mid-afternoon on Cetinje's main drag
Mid-afternoon on Cetinje's main drag
Pseudo-Moorish facade of the French Embassy
Pseudo-Moorish facade of the French Embassy
Ruins of Crnojevici Monastery and Biljarda
Ruins of Crnojevici Monastery and Biljarda
Cetinje and its surrounding valley
Cetinje and its surrounding valley