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Sam X | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds and More tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Symmetry | 2012, fall again | summer 2012 | spring 2012 | Filling the frame | first for 2012 | November, December ... and it starts all over | 7... | transisions | Flying Adventures | just a sumer day walk with reflections | april | Life | February Action | January colors... monochrome | Circles, Rectangles and Triangles | Sleeping Bear Dunes in October | Max in a snow | Picture A Day...... Almost every day...... | ... three days in 2009 | ... three days till 2008 ends | Max... | One Day In October... | My and Some of Your's Favorite | Floral... | Chicago | ... a tiny bit of Mexico... | Florida | Birds and More | Mix | ...Up Close | Wisconsin | In Box

Birds and More

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peek a boo
peek a boo
looking for mate
looking for mate
on top
on top
red hat
red hat
litle birdie...
litle birdie...
...curious jay
...curious jay
His Majesty
His Majesty
...the king
...the king
litle singer
litle singer
tree doctor
tree doctor
nesting pains
nesting pains
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