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Xavi Barneda | all galleries >> Some stuff... >> Sioux > Majestuous
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First of all, I titled this picture as 'shy' because he was hidden under the blanket. But after Sofia's comment, I realized that I should change the title to something related to kings or emperors...:-))

Nikon D80
1/30s f/5.0 at 26.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Simon Chandler19-May-2008 07:31
So cute. Excellent composition. v
Paco López19-May-2008 06:00
Adorable!!!!!!! VOTO!
Liz Bickel19-May-2008 02:57
He certainly does look regal. Beautiful portrait!
Guest 18-May-2008 22:19
Thank you Xavi, now he's got his well deserved majestuous title as well as the looks! :)
monica memoli18-May-2008 21:36
Lol. Looks like a russian princess. v
marie-jose wolff18-May-2008 21:23
beautiful cat, looks so majestuous, indeed! V
Guest 18-May-2008 21:01
LOL shy??? Sioux looks like the great Napoleon wearing a hat! :) V
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