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Your Favorites | Landscapes | Long Island Wildlife | Wildlife at West Meadow Beach, Stonybrook, NY | Wildlife from the rest of the world | Shells | Places / Events | Flora | Zoo & alike | PAW/Latest Additions | Yellowstone National Park and Surroundings | GFDL licensed work (LARGE images)


Cottage on West Meadow Beach
Cottage on West Meadow Beach
Dawn at Pointe d'Agon
Dawn at Pointe d'Agon
Granville Harbor
Granville Harbor
Lighthouse at Pointe d'Agon
Lighthouse at Pointe d'Agon
Lighthouse at Pointe d'Agon
Lighthouse at Pointe d'Agon
Lighthouse at Pointe d'Agon
Lighthouse at Pointe d'Agon
Misty Morning
Misty Morning
Montauk Lighthouse
Montauk Lighthouse
Montauk Lighthouse
Montauk Lighthouse
Montauk Lighthouse
Montauk Lighthouse
Setauket - Brewster House
Setauket - Brewster House
Setauket - Caroline Church of Brookhaven
Setauket - Caroline Church of Brookhaven
Setauket Duck Pond
Setauket Duck Pond
Setauket Harbor
Setauket Harbor
Setauket Harbor
Setauket Harbor
Setauket Mill
Setauket Mill
Setauket Presbyterian Church
Setauket Presbyterian Church
South Carolina Marsh
South Carolina Marsh
Sunrise at Pointe d'Agon
Sunrise at Pointe d'Agon
Westmeadow Creek
Westmeadow Creek
Sunset Watchers at Westmeadow Beach
Sunset Watchers at Westmeadow Beach