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Wolfgang Wander | all galleries >> Galleries >> GFDL licensed work (LARGE images) > Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis Trichas
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Spring 2005 Wolfgang Wander

Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis Trichas

NY, Jones Beach

Licenced for use under the GFDL.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM
1/400s f/9.0 at 700.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Musrara16-Aug-2011 11:34
Wow! Well done, first of all perception, and the quality and colors! Amazing! :-D
Guest 26-Feb-2009 09:04
Great shot!
Rod Gilbert04-Jan-2008 15:24
Wow Nice one!
Pixel Shooter31-Dec-2007 02:09
Stunning shot Wolfgang! ~V
Tom Munson06-Jun-2007 02:09
Beautiful Yellowthroat. Not an easy bird to get in the open.
James Wong14-May-2007 01:27
Clean and nice behaviour shot. I like it!
Cliff06-Jan-2007 19:08
Singing for it's supper? or for a mate more likely. Very nice shot!
Janet Forjan-Freedman13-May-2006 02:32
Beautiful....I can almost hear him. Janet
Tom Murray24-Feb-2006 23:06
Very nice!!! All your pictures are great:-)