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Bill Branham | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> THE GALLERIES (Click on the thumbnail to open the galleries) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

THE GALLERIES (Click on the thumbnail to open the galleries)

Digital images taken since November 2001.
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Trumpeter Swans at Magness Lake
:: Trumpeter Swans at Magness Lake ::
:: Pittsburgh ::
UP 3985 - Challenger 4-6-6-4 Steam Locomotive
:: UP 3985 - Challenger 4-6-6-4 Steam Locomotive ::
Ring-billed Gulls Feeding
:: Ring-billed Gulls Feeding ::
Hovercraft of Arkansas
:: Hovercraft of Arkansas ::
White Pelicans on the Arkansas River
:: White Pelicans on the Arkansas River ::
Lake Martin & Avery Island April 2004
:: Lake Martin & Avery Island April 2004 ::
MacArthur Park, Little Rock
:: MacArthur Park, Little Rock ::
Canon 1D Mark II Gallery - Feeding Birds
:: Canon 1D Mark II Gallery - Feeding Birds ::
Trap Shooting at Remington
:: Trap Shooting at Remington ::
Louisiana Birds, April 2005
:: Louisiana Birds, April 2005 ::
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